Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Make Kitchari, a Soup Balancing for all Mind/Body Types

How to Make Kitchari, a Soup Balancing for all Mind/Body Types Video Clips.

A quick and delicious soup that is great for balancing all mind/body constitutions. Make this meal in just 10 minutes. If you are having a rough week stress wise or are not feeling this is a very healing and very easy recipe for the body to digest. Learn something new about ingredients that can help balance your mind and body type. Find this recipe on my blog at www.AyurYogaSpa.wordpress.com I'm using my wonderful pressure cooker to help make this meal. I've had it for close to 20 years and use it almost every day.

Tags: kitchari, dosha balancing, vata, pitta, kapha, wellness consult, austin texas, health bloggers, ayurveda bloggers

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